Station Software
I have chosen to share my source code for this software in the hope that others find it useful or educational. It is a work in progress and always evolving. It does not have a polished user interface or configuration front end. There are several areas that could use improvement. With that said, I have had this software in continual use running my weather station since 2007 and it has been very stable running under Linux on several different hardware platforms. Use it at your own risk, but please enjoy. Also, send me an email of you try out the software. I will attempt to provide some support as time permits.
This software has several dependencies to other open source packages. I have provided a list and the links to that software below. I plan to eventually provide a configuration/administrator's guide if there is any demand for it, as the install and configuration is not automated at this point in time. I will work towards creating a complete install package that installs the daemon, along with the scripts that start the daemon, clean up logs, etc. Drop me a line if you need this information before I can make it available
If you do choose to download this software, I ask that you do not use it to create a commercial product without my permission. I also request that you reference my original work on any software that you might derive from it. Finally, if you make any improvements/modifications/bug fixes, I request that you send them back to me so that I may incorporate them into the original.