Continue Building Web Site

The work on the Web site continues.  I built PHP scripts to parse my weather data, weather stats, and advisories so far.  Also updated and uploaded several of the pages for the site.  The big parts left to be done are the weather history and the weather forecast.  I don’t anticipate the forecast being particularly difficult, as the XML is fairly straightforward, and I have Java code to use as an example.  The history is a binary file, so I either have to convert it to XML on the Guruplug, or do it on the server.  I’ll probably write a custom program to run on the server so I don’t bog down the Guruplug.  Then do some debugging and revise the rest of the Web pages to use PHP.  I also need to update the “About” page to include all of the updates I’ve been making.

I purchased the remainder of the parts I need for the radiation shield.  I hope to find some time to solder on the new Humidity sensor and photocell.  I also need to make brackets to mount the fan and the humidity/temp board in the shield.  Then I can drill the final holes and have it ready to go.  I also have the parts to mount the anemometer on the weather station pole.  Lots of work lined up.  Just need to find some free time, and I could have it back in operation outside.