Computer Switchover

I ran a 2 day test running the application continuously, to make sure the software was stable on my workstation with the DS9490.  I had been having some problems with the DS9097 connected through an inexpensive USB to serial converter.  After running for a while, the software would lose communication with the DS9097 adapter.  I attributed the problems to the converter, as the software has been running successfully for years, while the converter is brand new.  I had heard rumors that converters using the FTDI chip are more stable than the ones using the Prolific chip, but I have no hard evidence to substantiate that claim.  This converter uses the Prolific chip, but was what I had available and was inexpensive.  I really didn’t think I would see any significant problems with it.  Switching to the DS9490 cleared up the periodic loss of communication with the adapter.

So now I’m switching to the Guruplug to host my application, initially using the DS9097 and USB to serial converter.  I’m hoping the Linux drivers are better then the Windows ones.  I’ll look at switching to the DS9490 adapter later.  I installed all the libraries I needed, including getting RXTX setup.  The permissions on /dev/ttyUSB0 caused me to do some debugging, as I kept getting a message saying that RXTX wasn’t configured correctly.  Turned out to be a simple permissions problem. When udev detects the USB to serial converter, it creates the /dev/ttyUSB0 device with root permissions. Set the permissions using chmod and all is well for now. I still need to create a udev rule to set the permissions when it detects the USB to serial converter and creates the corresponding device.  But permissions are set for now.

I installed the application and am running it in test mode.  So far so good.  It’s kind of sluggish compared to my workstation, but it does find all the sensors and can read them.  I’ll leave it running for a few days and see how stable it is.

I also got an email from Hobby Boards confirming the shipment of my new anemometer and the assorted repair parts.  Should have plenty to do this weekend after all my new goodies arrive. Still need some replacement UV resistant plastic parts. Got some flower pots for the radiation shield that are made from UV resistant plastic. Will be posting about that project soon. I also need to return to the garden center and look for a few more plastic goodies, as well as any new PVC fittings I may need to mount the anemometer.

Update: After running for two days with no issues or lockups I think I can declare the new combination stable.  The load bounced around more than I would like, with the 1 minute average going up and down from .4 to as high as 1.5. But the 5 minute average managed to stay below 1.  Might be related to garbage collection, but I haven’t investigated at all yet so I’m just guessing at this point.  I may want to do some JVM tuning down the road, but it should be OK for now.